Maidan Business and Life Center
Maidan Business and Life Center, located in Çankaya district of Ankara province, consists of 19 and 5-storey office buildings in 4 blocks over a 22.435 m2 land area. Three independent sections numbered 164, 165 & 166 in Block B of Maidan Business and Life Center are registered in the name of the Company. According to the valuation report issued by TSKB Valuation using the market approach, the total leasable area of these 3 independent sections owned by the Company is 317,00 m2.
The Company acquires fixed rental income from its independent sections in Maidan Business and Life Center and transfers the rental income to the income statement on a straight-line basis.
According to the valuation report issued by TSKB Valuation and applying the market approach, the market value of the independent sections numbered 164, 165 & 166, which the Company owns in Block B of Maidan Business and Life Center, is 46,605,000 TL (VAT excluded) and 55,926,000 TL (VAT included) as of 31/12/2024.